The mission of the Las Cruces Public Schools Foundation is to serve as a private partner with the district
to provide funds to the community of learners in the Las Cruces Public Schools to support and enhance the educational experiences of students, promote innovation in the classroom, increase community involvement in education and pursue and recognize excellence in teaching and learning.


Innovative Classroom Teaching Grants

The Foundation has awarded more than $380,000 in competitive grants, with individual grants up to $5,000, to teachers, counselors and other school staff to help fund innovate classroom projects to enhance student learning literacy, math, science, technology, and the arts.


The Las Cruces Public Schools Foundation works closely with community supporters and generous donors to provide scholarship opportunities to seniors in the Las Cruces Public School District. The Foundation is proud to administer these scholarships in order to help students pursue their higher education goals. The scholarships range from $250 – $2000.

Celebration of Excellence Awards Dinner

The Foundation partners with local businesses and individuals to sponsor an annual awards banquet. The LCPS Celebration of Excellence Awards Dinner honors the LCPS Teacher of the Year, Educational Support Person of the Year, Principal of the Year, and National Board Certified Teachers.

Classroom Supply Mini-Grants

During the 23-24 School Year the LCPS Foundation awarded $28,200 in Supply Mini-Grants and has allocated $30,000 for the 24-25 school year. These grants support the outstanding LCPS educators in the quest for excellence in our classrooms by providing $100 vouchers to Alpha Teaching Tools or to Frame & Art for classroom supplies.


Citizens Bank Card

Get a Las Cruces Public Schools debit/credit card from Citizens Bank. At no cost to you, Citizens Bank will donate a percentage of every transaction you make!

LCPS Payroll Deduction

If you are an employee of LCPS, you can sign up for a simple payroll deduction. For as little as $2 per pay period, you can make a difference in our schools!


Support the efforts of our teachers and to help create a rich engaging learning environment for students

Sponsor an Endowment

Create a lasting legacy while benefiting generations of students.


Help us recognize our outstanding teachers and students at the annual Celebration of Excellence Awards Dinner.

Create & Fund a Scholarship

Tell us how you would like to support a graduating senior with your donations, and we will do the rest!